# iio.ie: random ideas and personal ramblings from a disgruntled techie
- This is my secret place for my writing therapy.
I write all the stuff out of my system no matter how dumb it is.
I feel better afterwards.
There's at least one new post each month.
- RSS feed at @/rss.
- All posts on one page at https://ypsu.github.io/blog (serves as a backup).
- [javascript placeholder]
2025 entries:
- @/smifunc: create func wrappers for single method Go interfaces
- @/awocards: awkward option cards game
- @/condjump: conditional jumps would make Go code less sawtooth-y
- @/screencasting: make narrated screencasts for demoing stuff
- @/capitalize: the posts will be properly capitalized from now on
2024 entries:
- @/imview: use the imperative mood in code reviews
- @/mementomori: remember to die and look forward to it
- @/envchain: a conceptually simpler alternative to go contexts
- @/gorun: run go code straight from web via go run
- @/funcdriven: use function driven tests instead of table driven tests
- @/flagstyle: keep flags before the positional arguments
- @/cstatus: error code with a message is all i need for errors in c
- @/errmsg: use identifiers as error strings to make error searching easier
- @/goerrors: annotate errors to save debugging time
- @/goref: express the non-nil pointer annotation in go with a generic alias
- @/starglob: simplified glob for simple needs
- @/pkgtrim: a linux package trimmer tool
- @/difftesting: review effect diffs instead of unittesting
- @/featver: a semver compatible calendar based versioning scheme
- @/slackday: move all internet slacking to a dedicated day
- @/tame: tame the inner animal
- @/rssfeed: add rss feeds to your blogs
- @/msgxchg: exchange secret messages instead of gifts in secret santas
- @/tlogging: sample the current activity every 30 minutes
- @/redir: implement shortlinking via a redirect script
- @/reactions: using limited emoji reactions for feedback can be useful
- @/limits: create and enforce limits for web services
- @/signups: allow signing up for web services only via invite or via payment
- @/statusmsg: use status messages instead of percent done indicators
- @/aclsystem: encode user and group names into ids to keep acls simple
- @/abnames: create new names from abbreviations
- @/tokengen: token generator for media access
- @/postreqs: make http post requests via javascript
- @/numids: yearstamp numeric unique ids too
- @/titles: omit periods and uppercase in title-like contexts
- @/wingaming: windows can be used without license for some tasks just fine
- @/uses: a list of tools i use
2023 entries:
- @/nearoom: linux locks up when nearly out of memory
- @/yseq: encode the creation year into the sequence numbers
- @/prioritization: take tasks from multiple queues regularly
- @/cloud: i recommend using fly.io and cloudflare.com for most cloud needs
- @/rebrand: i renamed this site to iio.ie
- @/schlaugh: it's a nice, update-once-daily social media site
- @/imtasks: my "immediate task queue notebook" helps me progress on my projects
- @/firefoxtweaks: profile on ramdisk is the only way to stop its constant disk io
- @/colors: color websites according to the browser-reported preference
- @/scaling: scale lookups, mutations can remain single-homed
- @/shapeware: reward free software supporters with a say in the roadmap
- @/msgauth: let users log in with an email or a whatsapp message
- @/stringids: map strings to a numbers and use those in string heavy apps
- @/myopia: humanity will be installing violet lightbulbs everywhere
- @/genai: generative ai is neat and we shouldn't limit its development
- @/commitments: absolute commitments can help remain virtuous
- @/land: you can't own land, you can only lease it from the government
- @/firing: instead of firing, try moving low performing employees to different teams
- @/webchat: a webrtc demo of a peer-to-peer chatroom
- @/webshooter: an idea for a simple multiplayer first-person arena shooter
- @/x11lock: my own minimalistic lock screen for x11
2022 entries:
- @/dynmem: golang is pretty much c if you avoid using dynamic memory
- @/scratch: scratching notebooks can be addictive
- @/cpprantdemo: a short dialog about c++ between a cat and a dog
- @/carriages: free uber as public transportation in small towns
- @/ranks: i think 6 separate employee ranks is all what an organization needs
- @/utopia: let people choose between free money vs free services
- @/autotax: an alternative money system to simplify taxation
- @/aiddist: aid the poorest but already productive people
- @/aidsim: a monetary aid distribution simulator
- @/coreedu: using the core-task principles for running schools as an example (6/6)
- @/coregov: the core task of a government is to distribute money (5/6)
- @/corevoting: the core task of voting is to select good representatives (4/6)
- @/corerepr: the core task of representatives is to prevent bad plans (3/6)
- @/coreleader: the core task of a leader is to approve plans (2/6)
- @/coretask: a series of rambling thoughts about human organizations (1/6)
- @/coderate: a meetup event idea where you rate and criticise each other's code
- @/codingtime: measure time for @/swapcoding with git
- @/smartphone: i've switched to a smartphone after 6 years of dumbphoning
- @/comments: i've enabled anonymous commenting on this site
- @/actionlog: a simple alternative to sql for simple cases
- @/swapcoding: a competitive way to build software
- @/codeclub: a meetup idea for doing competitive coding together
- @/clockdoc: a barebones app for showing time and setting visual alarms
- @/dumbness: i don't mind being dumb because i trust the smart people
- @/wakeup: my tricks to waking up early
- @/habits: i encode my life into habits
- @/gdsnap: i automated my backups with inotify and google drive
- @/recording: tried recording my computer usage but i didn't learn much out of it
- @/inspiration: what do i freewrite about?
- @/sigquit: sigint and sigquit are handy signals to handle specially
2021 entries:
- @/clarity: it's the last day of 2021; where am i in life?
- @/progress: innovation is inevitable
- @/poker: a reference post about the rules and the hands
- @/codereview: phrase code review comments as questions
- @/mingling: i can do only work related interactions
- @/questions: the famous 36 questions
- @/focus: maintain focus by freewriting
- @/stream: stream your consciousness using freewriting
- @/emailhost: i use gmail for my personal email, i couldn't find anything better
- @/dasung: a review for the dasung 13.3" e-ink monitor
- @/semhi: auto-highlighting @/sembr lines
- @/yogurt: the cherry emmi yogurt is my favorite
- @/golang: go is my new favorite language for hobby coding
- @/redesign: i rewrote this site's server code from scratch
- @/bureaucracy: make paperwork fun
- @/news: ideas about relevant newsletters
- @/ffpoll: free form poll results are more usable
- @/cmv: r/changemyview is a pretty safe corner in the harsh internet
- @/intmon: no to intellectual monopoly
- @/freewrite: freewriting is the best adult pacifier
- @/cooldown: forcing a wait before letting users exchange messages
- @/batch: send emails in the mornings
- @/principles: how to play the game
- @/parttime: thinking about going part time
- @/nokia2720: tweaking and using the nokia 2720 kaios phone
- @/phones: thoughts about phones now that i have to buy a new one
- @/solomove: doing the same exercise throghout the day over and over again
- @/seennet: an idea for a social networking site around videocalling
- @/reflecting: reflect regularly
- @/grow: thoughts about mentoring and schools
2020 entries:
2019 entries:
- @/liquid: an idea about how to implement liquid democracy
- @/fsbuf: buffering filesystem changes to avoid rw mounts
- @/codeswap: an experiment idea to compare coding style efficiencies
- @/complexity: avoid abstractions and things stay manageable
- @/pain: some pains can be embraced rather than drugged away
- @/thecook: a story about learning to ignore people
- @/cb: an idea for a weird twist on facebook
- @/typeshooter: a silly typing fps game idea
- @/binding: keeping books open is hard
- @/timestamping: i don't timestamp my posts
- @/space: weird fantasies about owning a big empty space in a city
- @/blogging: people should blog
2018 entries:
2017 entries:
filtered entries: