# coretask: a series of rambling thoughts about human organizations (1/6).

lately i was pondering a lot about human organizations. this was triggered mostly by some baffling decisions made at some large companies. this reminded me of governments too: they often make baffling decisions too. by baffling decisions i mean decisions that i don't agree with or simply don't understand. it makes me wonder how they are run, or more interestingly, how should they be running instead.

the internet is full of answers how companies and governments should be run. but it's like rock-paper-scissors: every argument has a counterargument and the arguments then form a circle. and then people argue in circles. i have no idea what to think after reading all this circular argumentation.

i don't know... i feel like i need to organize my thoughts a little bit before i can go back reading the internet. but i'm quite the simpleton and having hard time grasping all the complexities. so let me think aloud about the core tasks of the various pieces of an organization. maybe through all this loud thinking i can learn something.

i try to find answers that can apply to both private companies and country governments. i think both are somewhat similar problem of "organizing human cooperation". a good solution should be appliable to both.

so this is a multipart post series where i try to make sense of the world through simplification. i ask myself questions and provide some answers. save yourself some anger about my stupidity and skip these. i write these for myself only. :)

the entries are the following:

published on 2022-10-01

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