== # readme this is a https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/ypsu/textar archive. uncompress it like this: mkdir cstatus cd cstatus curl -L https://iio.ie/cstatus.textar | go run github.com/ypsu/textar/bin/textar@latest -x=- and then run the code like this: sh test == .clang-format BasedOnStyle: Google AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: true ColumnLimit: 0 PointerAlignment: Left == defer.h // from https://github.com/cmhood/c-defer/blob/master/defer.h. #pragma once #define defer defer__2(__COUNTER__) #define defer__2(X) defer__3(X) #define defer__3(X) defer__4(defer__id##X) #define defer__4(ID) \ auto void ID##func(char(*)[]); \ __attribute__((cleanup(ID##func))) char ID##var[0]; \ void ID##func(char(*)[]) == errnostatus.c #include "errnostatus.h" #include statusREGISTER(errno); #define X statusSTATUSCODEENTRY extern const uint64_t errnoStatusCode[statusCOUNT(errno) + 1]; #undef X const char* errnoCodeName[statusCOUNT(errno) + 1] = { [0] = "errno.EOK (success)", [EPERM] = "errno.EPERM (operation not permitted)", [ENOENT] = "errno.ENOENT (no such file or directory)", [EACCES] = "errno.EACCES (permission denied)", [ENOTDIR] = "errno.ENOTDIR (not a directory)", [EISDIR] = "errno.EISDIR (is a directory)", [EINVAL] = "errno.EINVAL (invalid argument)", [ENOTSUP] = "errno.ENOTSUP (operation not supported)", }; == errnostatus.h #pragma once #include "status.h" constexpr uint64_t errnoDomain = 0x6f6e7272650000; // statusMKDOMAINID("errno") #define errnoCODES \ X(errno, EOK, 0, OK) \ X(errno, EPERM, 1, PermissionDenied) \ X(errno, ENOENT, 2, NotFound) \ X(errno, EACCES, 13, PermissionDenied) \ X(errno, ENOTDIR, 20, FailedPrecondition) \ X(errno, EISDIR, 21, FailedPrecondition) \ X(errno, EINVAL, 22, InvalidArgument) \ X(errno, ENOTSUP, 95, Unimplemented) \ X(errno, CodeCount, 140, CodeCount) #define X statusENUMENTRY enum errnoCode { errnoCODES }; #undef X extern const uint64_t errnoStatusCode[statusCOUNT(errno) + 1]; extern const char* errnoCodeName[statusCOUNT(errno) + 1]; == httpstatus.c #include "httpstatus.h" statusREGISTER(http); #define X statusSTATUSCODEENTRY const uint64_t httpStatusCode[statusCOUNT(http) + 1] = {httpCODES}; #undef X #define X statusNAMEENTRY const char *httpCodeName[statusCOUNT(http) + 1] = {httpCODES}; #undef X == httpstatus.h #pragma once #include "status.h" constexpr uint64_t httpDomain = 0x707474680000; // statusMKDOMAINID("http") #define httpCODES \ X(http, OK, 200, OK) \ X(http, BadRequest, 400, InvalidArgument) \ X(http, Forbidden, 403, PermissionDenied) \ X(http, NotFound, 404, NotFound) \ X(http, InternalServerError, 500, Internal) \ X(http, CodeCount, 600, Unknown) #define X statusENUMENTRY enum httpCode { httpCODES }; #undef X extern const uint64_t httpStatusCode[statusCOUNT(http) + 1]; extern const char* httpCodeName[statusCOUNT(http) + 1]; == io.c #include "io.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "defer.h" #include "errnostatus.h" static void* xrealloc(void* ptr, size_t size) { ptr = realloc(ptr, size); if (ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory.\n"); abort(); } return ptr; } // ioOpen opens a file for read only. // On error returns an error from the errno domain. // The error message will contain the filename. status* ioOpen(int* fd, const char* filename) { *fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (*fd == -1) { return statusNewDomain(NULL, errnoDomain + errno, "io.OpenForRead filename=%s", filename); } return NULL; } status* ioClose(int* fd) { if (*fd == -1) { return NULL; } if (close(*fd) != 0) { return statusNewDomain(NULL, errnoDomain + errno, "io.Close"); } *fd = -1; return NULL; } // ioReadFile appends the contents of the file to buf. // On error returns an error from the errno domain. // Most errors will contain the filename. // Always free buf->data, even on error. status* ioReadFile(ioBuffer* buf, const char* filename) { int fd; status* st = ioOpen(&fd, filename); if (st != NULL) { return st; } defer { free(ioClose(&fd)); } constexpr int bufsize = 8192; char tmpbuf[bufsize]; while (true) { int sz = read(fd, tmpbuf, bufsize); if (sz == 0) { break; } if (sz == -1) { return statusNewDomain(NULL, errnoDomain + errno, "io.ReadFromFile filename=%s", filename); } if (buf->cap - buf->len < sz) { int newcap = 2 * (buf->cap + 1); if (newcap - buf->len < sz) { newcap = buf->len + sz; } buf->data = xrealloc(buf->data, newcap); buf->cap = newcap; } memcpy(buf->data + buf->len, tmpbuf, sz); buf->len += sz; } return ioClose(&fd); } == io.h #pragma once #include "status.h" typedef struct { void* data; int len; int cap; } ioBuffer; status* ioOpen(int* fd, const char* filename); status* ioClose(int* fd); status* ioReadFile(ioBuffer* buf, const char* filename); == status.c #include "status.h" #include #include #include #include statusREGISTER(status); #define X statusNAMEENTRY const char* statusCodeName[statusCOUNT(status) + 1] = {statusCODES}; #undef X static void* xrealloc(void* ptr, size_t size) { ptr = realloc(ptr, size); if (ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory.\n"); abort(); } return ptr; } static status* annotatev(status* wrapped, const char* format, va_list ap) { if (format == NULL || format[0] == 0) { if (wrapped != NULL) { return wrapped; } const char* ok = statusToString(statusOK); status* st = xrealloc(NULL, sizeof(status) + strlen(ok) + 1); st->code = statusOK; st->msglen = strlen(ok); strcpy(st->msg, ok); return st; } va_list aq; va_copy(aq, ap); int msglen = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, aq); va_end(aq); if (wrapped != NULL) { msglen += 2 + wrapped->msglen; } status* st = xrealloc(NULL, sizeof(status) + msglen + 1); st->code = statusInternal; st->msglen = msglen; int printed = vsprintf(st->msg, format, ap); if (wrapped != NULL) { st->code = wrapped->code; st->msg[printed] = ':'; st->msg[printed + 1] = ' '; memcpy(st->msg + printed + 2, wrapped->msg, wrapped->msglen + 1); free(wrapped); } return st; } status* statusNew(status* wrapped, const char* format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); status* st = annotatev(wrapped, format, ap); st->code = statusInternal; va_end(ap); return st; } status* statusAnnotate(status* wrapped, const char* format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); status* st = annotatev(wrapped, format, ap); va_end(ap); return st; } status* statusNewDomain(status* wrapped, uint64_t code, const char* format, ...) { status* st = NULL; if (wrapped != NULL || (format != NULL && format[0] != 0)) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); st = annotatev(wrapped, format, ap); st->code = code; va_end(ap); } return statusAnnotate(st, "%s", statusToString(code)); } typedef struct { uint64_t domain; const char** names; int namesLen; } registration; registration* registrations; int registrationsLen; void statusRegisterStringmap(uint64_t domain, const char** names, int namesLen) { registrations = xrealloc(registrations, (registrationsLen + 1) * sizeof(registration)); registration* reg = ®istrations[registrationsLen++]; reg->domain = domain; reg->names = names; reg->namesLen = namesLen; } const char* statusToString(uint64_t code) { uint64_t domain = code & ~0xffff; uint64_t rawcode = code & 0xffff; for (int i = 0; i < registrationsLen; i++) { registration* reg = ®istrations[i]; if (reg->domain != domain) { continue; } if ((int)rawcode >= reg->namesLen || reg->names[rawcode] == NULL) { break; } return reg->names[rawcode]; } domain >>= 16; static char buf[16]; sprintf(buf, "%s.%ld", (char*)&domain, rawcode); return buf; } == status.h #pragma once #include #define statusCOUNT(domain) ((domain##CodeCount) & 0xffff) typedef struct { // Upper 48 bits (6 bytes) represent the domain, the lower 16 bits (2 bytes) represent the domain code. uint64_t code; int msglen; // excluding the terminating 0 byte char msg[]; // has a terminating 0 byte. } status; #define statusMKDOMAINID(str) ( \ (sizeof(str) > 0 ? (uint64_t)str[0] << 2 * 8 : 0) + \ (sizeof(str) > 1 ? (uint64_t)str[1] << 3 * 8 : 0) + \ (sizeof(str) > 2 ? (uint64_t)str[2] << 4 * 8 : 0) + \ (sizeof(str) > 3 ? (uint64_t)str[3] << 5 * 8 : 0) + \ (sizeof(str) > 4 ? (uint64_t)str[4] << 6 * 8 : 0) + \ (sizeof(str) > 5 ? (uint64_t)str[5] << 7 * 8 : 0) + \ 0) #define statusENUMENTRY(domain, name, code, statuscode) domain##name = ((domain##Domain) | (uint64_t)code), #define statusSTATUSCODEENTRY(domain, name, code, statuscode) [domain##name & 0xffff] = (status##statuscode), #define statusNAMEENTRY(domain, name, code, statuscode) [domain##name & 0xffff] = #domain "." #name, #define statusREGISTER(domain) \ static __attribute__((constructor)) void domain##Register(void) { \ statusRegisterStringmap(domain##Domain, domain##CodeName, (domain##CodeCount) & 0xfff); \ } constexpr uint64_t statusDomain = 0x7375746174730000; // statusMKDOMAINID("status") #define statusCODES \ X(status, OK, 0, 0) \ X(status, Canceled, 1, 1) \ X(status, Unknown, 2, 2) \ X(status, InvalidArgument, 3, 3) \ X(status, DeadlineExceeded, 4, 4) \ X(status, NotFound, 5, 5) \ X(status, AlreadyExists, 6, 6) \ X(status, PermissionDenied, 7, 7) \ X(status, ResourceExhausted, 8, 8) \ X(status, FailedPrecondition, 9, 9) \ X(status, Aborted, 10, 10) \ X(status, OutOfRange, 11, 11) \ X(status, Unimplemented, 12, 12) \ X(status, Internal, 13, 13) \ X(status, Unavailable, 14, 14) \ X(status, DataLoss, 15, 15) \ X(status, Unauthenticated, 16, 16) \ X(status, CodeCount, 17, 2) #define X statusENUMENTRY typedef enum { statusCODES } statusCode; #undef X extern const char* statusCodeName[statusCOUNT(status) + 1]; // The returned status must be freed. // wrapped, if passed, is freed as part of the wrapping. status* statusNew(status* wrapped, const char* format, ...); status* statusNewDomain(status* wrapped, uint64_t code, const char* format, ...); status* statusAnnotate(status* wrapped, const char* format, ...); // Returned string valid until next call. const char* statusToString(uint64_t code); void statusRegisterStringmap(uint64_t domain, const char** names, int namesLen); == test #/bin/bash gcc -std=c23 -g -Wall -Wextra -o /tmp/status.bin *.c && /tmp/status.bin "$@" rm -f /tmp/status.bin == test.c #include "defer.h" #include "errnostatus.h" #include "httpstatus.h" #include "io.h" #include "status.h" #include #include // examples: // // $ ./test // usage: test [filename] // error: http.BadRequest: test.BadUsage argc=1 // $ ./test /nonexistent/ // error: http.NotFound: test.ReadFile: errno.ENOENT (no such file or directory): io.OpenForRead filename=/nonexistent/ // $ ./test /root/.bash_history // error: http.Forbidden: test.ReadFile: errno.EACCES (permission denied): io.OpenForRead filename=/root/.bash_history // $ ./test /root/ // error: http.InternalServerError: test.ReadFile: errno.EISDIR (is a directory): io.ReadFromFile filename=/root/ status* printFile(const char* fname) { ioBuffer buf = {}; status* st = ioReadFile(&buf, fname); defer { free(buf.data); } if (st != NULL) { return statusAnnotate(st, "test.ReadFile"); } size_t sz = fwrite(buf.data, 1, buf.len, stdout); if ((int)sz != buf.len) { return statusNew(NULL, "test.PartialWrite"); } return NULL; } status* run(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 2 || argv[1][0] == '-') { printf("usage: test [filename]\n"); return statusNewDomain(NULL, httpBadRequest, "test.BadUsage argc=%d", argc); } status* st = printFile(argv[1]); if (st != NULL) { if (st->code == errnoENOENT) { return statusNewDomain(st, httpNotFound, ""); } if (st->code == errnoEACCES) { return statusNewDomain(st, httpForbidden, ""); } return statusNewDomain(st, httpInternalServerError, ""); } return NULL; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { status* st = run(argc, argv); if (st != NULL) { printf("error: %s\n", st->msg); free(st); return 1; } return 0; }