# timestamping: i don't timestamp my posts.

i am somewhat on the fence with regards adding timestamps to my posts. i want my posts to contain only the content and nothing else. i want my posts to stand on their own with no regards to posting time. when i wrote a post is usually irrelevant anyways. on the other hand it is nice to see a rough indication of the age of the post. hah, this reminds me of some weirdness i used to see on some blogger.com sites. the posts and comments would have a timestamp in the month, day, hour:minute:second format. awesome. a timestamp accurate to the second. the only part missing? the year. because obviously that was not as important as the seconds. i actually seen this in a lot of such blogs. super weird. fortunately i have not encountered this recently so i am assuming this got fixed or i managed to avoid blogger.com blogs.

anyways, this leads me to the idea that perhaps just stamping the posts with the year they were written would be useful. i write only a couple posts per year so i think the year granularity is more than enough. but still, i do not want to put this metadata spam into my post contents. i have decided to just put it onto the frontpage. so instead of:

i would have this:

2019 entries:

2018 entries:

looks a bit ugly but it does the job so i will go with it for now.

# edit from 2021 after @/redesign

i realized that i do need to track when i wrote a post so that i can sort the posts on the frontpage. otherwise i need to maintain the order myself and that's more work than adding a timestamp.

i decided i might as well show this info in the posts so now each post has a footer with the timestamp. but i still keep the frontpage clear of this spam for now.

published on 2019-01-25, last modified on 2021-09-06

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