# stringids: map strings to a numbers and use those in string heavy apps.

suppose you are working on a compiler. you might be doing a lot of short of string operations. each variable has a string identifier after all. if you keep looking up variables via strings, you will have the following problems:

if these strings don't grow unbounded, you could simply map each string to a unique number and use those in your data structures. once you work with integers, all the above issues go away:

now the question is, how do you implement mapping strings to integers and back? in this post i'll explore implementing this in go. in @/dynmem i mentioned pointers should be avoided in performant code so i'll focus on a pointerless solution.

# interface

let's compare several implementations of the problem. for simplicity let's go with this interface:

  type ID int64

  // Mapper is an interface for mapping strings to integers and vice versa.
  // As a convenience, the empty string is always mapped to 0 and vice versa.
  type Mapper interface {
    // Map maps a string to an ID.
    // if s was seen previously, the previously allocated ID will be returned.
    // otherwise a new ID is allocated.
    Map(s string) ID

    // Unmap returns the string that represents ID.
    // it is a panic-level error to provide an ID not returned from Map.
    Unmap(id ID) string

# motivational example: acl system

linux users and groups is an example where a similar idea is used. each user is assigned a number in /etc/passwd and each group is assigned a number in /etc/group. then functions like geteuid() or stat() only return those id numbers rather than strings.

but let's look at how you could implement an optimized acl system with the above interface. you might start out like this:

  type SlowACL struct {
    members []string

  type SlowACLs struct {
    acls map[string]SlowACL

  func (acls *SlowACLs) IsMember(acl, member string) bool {
    for _, m := range acls.acls[acl].members {
      if m == member {
        return true
    return false

if you have millions of users, this can get pretty rough. now the gc must visit millions of nodes every gc cycle. and the member lookup needs to do a lot of cache unfriendly string comparisons.

now compare that solution with a stringid based one:

  type ACL struct {
    members []stringid.ID

  type ACLs struct {
    acls     map[stringid.ID]ACL
    idmapper stringid.HashMapper

  func (a *ACLs) IsMember(acl, member string) bool {
    query := a.idmapper.Map(member)
    for _, id := range a.acls[a.idmapper.Map(acl)].members {
      if id == query {
        return true
    return false

assuming the idmapper has a constant gc load, this solution creates much less load on the gc. there's only one pointer per acl group. there are tricks to avoid even that but that's outside the scope of this post.

and also note the query loop. it's just a cache friendly linear scan. it's pretty performant compared to the previous solution.

# testing

i'll implement 3 variations of mappers. to doublecheck my implementations, i'd run them through this function:

  func test() error {
    for _, m := range []Mapper{&SimpleMapper{}, &IndexMapper{}, &HashMapper{}} {
      fmt.Println("testing a mapper:")
      for _, w := range []string{
      } {
        id := m.Map(w)
        fmt.Printf("  %8s %8s %16d\n", w, m.Unmap(id), id)
    return nil

  func main() {
    if err := test(); err != nil {

and then i'd spotcheck the output to confirm it makes sense. i could create proper testcases too but meh, this should be enough for the demo purposes.

# simple implementation

the simple implementation could be done via maps:

  type SimpleMapper struct {
    idmap  map[ID]string
    strmap map[string]ID

  func (m *SimpleMapper) Map(s string) ID {
    // initialize if needed.
    if m.idmap == nil {
      m.idmap, m.strmap = make(map[ID]string), make(map[string]ID)
      m.idmap[0], m.strmap[""] = "", 0

    if id, ok := m.strmap[s]; ok {
      return id
    id := ID(len(m.strmap))
    m.strmap[s], m.idmap[id] = id, s
    return id

  func (m *SimpleMapper) Unmap(id ID) string {
    return m.idmap[id]

and the test output looks as expected:

     apple    apple          1
      pear     pear          2
    orange   orange          3
    orange   orange          3
     apple    apple          1
     peach    peach          4
      each     each          5
    orange   orange          3
      kiwi     kiwi          6
     apple    apple          1

straightforward and fast but it comes with two problems.

so let's explore different alternatives.

# all strings in one buffer

what if we had all strings concatenated in one long string and the IDs would be just offsets? with such an implementation there would be zero fragmentation. and there would be no memory pressure either because there would be only one pointer to be stored, the long string.

the problem is that every time we append a string to the long string, it might need a reallocation. but if you double the buffer every time you run out of capacity, the running time will be still amortized O(n). so this string appending shouldn't be a problem.

strings are immutable in go but fortunately strings.Builder is willing to hack around this limit. with the Builder struct we can have efficient string appending.

# IDs are offsets

we had this definition of the ID:

  type ID int64

for simplicity, let's assume the total length of all the strings is less than a gigabyte so it fits into a 31 bit integer. then the lower 32 bits of the ID is the start offset, the upper 32 bits are the end offset.

an Unmap operation could look like this:

  type IndexMapper struct {
    s strings.Builder

  func (m *IndexMapper) Unmap(id int) string {
    if id == 0 {
      return ""
    start, end := int(id&0xffffffff), int(id>>32)
    return m.s.String()[start:end]

# index mapping

suppose all you have is that long string buffer and you want to map a string to an ID. there are two cases:

implementation-wise this would look like this:

  func (m *IndexMapper) Map(s string) ID {
    // return from buffer if possible.
    if start := strings.Index(m.s.String(), s); start != -1 {
      return ID(int64(start) | int64(start+len(s))<<32)

    // append string to the buffer.
    if m.s.Len()+len(s) > 1e9 {
      panic("stringid.IndexMapper grew too big")
    // must re-search here to guarantee the first entry is returned.
    start := strings.Index(m.s.String(), s)
    id := ID(int64(start) | int64(start+len(s))<<32)
    return id

and the test confirms this works:

     apple    apple  500000000
      pear     pear  900000005
    orange   orange  f00000009
    orange   orange  f00000009
     apple    apple  500000000
     peach    peach 140000000f
      each     each 1400000010
    orange   orange  f00000009
      kiwi     kiwi 1800000014
     apple    apple  500000000

the only problem of this approach is that this is that mapping gets very slow as the buffer size grows.

# hashing IDs

to address this, let's introduce a hashmap for finding strings quickly:

  type HashMapper struct {
    len, cap uint64
    htab     []ID
    s        strings.Builder

we must implement our own hashmap because map[string]ID would create gc pressure.

a Map operation would consist of these operations:

for simplicity let's keep our hashtable power of two sized. we need a string hasher:

  func strhash(s string) uint64 {
    var h uint64 = 5381
    for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
      h = 33*h + uint64(s[i])
    return h

and the above steps could be implemented like this:

  func (m *HashMapper) Map(s string) ID {
    if s == "" {
      return 0

    // initialize if needed.
    if m.s.Len() == 0 {
      // initialize.
      m.cap, m.htab = 4, make([]ID, 4)

    // find existing entry in the hashtable.
    mask := m.cap - 1
    h := strhash(s)
    slot := h & mask
    for m.htab[slot] != 0 {
      if id := m.htab[slot]; s == m.Unmap(id) {
        return id
      slot = (slot + 1) & mask

    // append to s and add the resulting ID to the hashtable.
    start, end := m.s.Len(), m.s.Len()+len(s)
    if end > 1e9 {
      panic("stringid.HashMapper grew too big")
    id := ID(int64(start) | int64(end)<<32)
    m.htab[slot] = id

    // resize the hashtable if needed.
    if m.len >= m.cap/2 {
      newcap := m.cap * 4
      mask = newcap - 1
      newhtab := make([]ID, newcap)
      for i := uint64(0); i < m.cap; i++ {
        id := m.htab[i]
        if id == 0 {
        h := strhash(m.Unmap(id)) & mask
        for j := h; true; j = (j + 1) & mask {
          if newhtab[j] == 0 {
            newhtab[j] = id
      m.cap, m.htab = newcap, newhtab

    return id

the Unmap function would remain the same as in the IndexMapper. and the test function confirms that this works too:

     apple    apple  500000000
      pear     pear  900000005
    orange   orange  f00000009
    orange   orange  f00000009
     apple    apple  500000000
     peach    peach 140000000f
      each     each 1400000010
    orange   orange  f00000009
      kiwi     kiwi 1800000014
     apple    apple  500000000

there are couple downsides to this approach.

but even if the mapper is a bit inefficient, it's hopefully offset by the more efficient data structures this allows having.

# caveats

this sort of optimization could come at a loss of code readability. the readers now have to understand the stringid abstraction over simple strings. only do such optimizations if it was deemed necessary.

another potential optimization avenue would be to add "Lookup(s string) ID" function. it would return -1 if the mapper doesn't contain the requested string. basically it's the same as the Map() function but without the "add to the hashmap" logic. the example acl system could use this instead of Map(member). non-existent users would then not grow the mapper's data. this can be important if you don't fully control your callers.

i have to admit i never used this structure before because i never worked on a large go program where this actually would have mattered at all. but it's a nice example how could one think about removing pointers from their go code. maybe one day i'll have a chance to use this and then i can report back on its usefulness.

# edit on 2023-08-12

btw, i learned that java had a similar idea about optimizing strings too. here are some docs describing the feature:

# edit on 2024-02-04

i just noticed that go is getting a new "unique" package: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/62483. the newly proposed handles can make the string comparisons fast. but they still contain a pointer so the gc pressure remains high. my points in this post still stand.

# edit on 2024-05-09

i came across a cool blog post better explaining the pointer problem: https://blog.gopheracademy.com/advent-2018/avoid-gc-overhead-large-heaps/. the code to demonstrate the problem is pretty short:

  func main() {
    a := make([]*int, 1e9)
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
      start := time.Now()
      fmt.Printf("GC took %s\n", time.Since(start))

now change the `*int` to `int`. on my machine the gc cycle speeds up from 300ms to 0.2ms. that's because the gc has a billion pointers less to traverse in the latter version.

and then at the end of the article it links to some go libraries implementing pretty much what i was arguing for here:

i haven't looked too deeply but they seem pretty cool! i recommend checking them if you need something like this.

published on 2023-05-06, last modified on 2024-05-09

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