# shapeware: reward free software supporters with a say in the roadmap.

what would be my motivation for donating to an organization developing something free whose product i can just freely grab? it would be nice if i'd get something extra in return. i'm thinking of various non-profit organizations behind linux, firefox, signal. here's all i want: let me have a say in the roadmap, allow me to shape the software's development a bit. let me vote on features and bugs and in exchange the organization will address the top voted issues. e.g. maybe in firefox i could vote for native vertical tab support or native adblocking support.

having the short-term roadmap public helps a lot with transparency as well. and i would be more inclined to donate to transparent organizations. i think it's also fine if the roadmap is not fully public but only available for the subscribers.

this is already happening for some software. if you donate 10 euros to the free text editor vim, you can vote on the features its author should prioritize: https://www.vim.org/sponsor/vote_results.php. though it's not clear how effective this is in vim's case.

i'm not fully sure what is the right model for transforming money into votes. i want to avoid the confusion that i have with vim for instance. after thinking of various approaches, i think this has the best properties:

i am not saying that this is the only way an organization should select its priorities. if a rich donor comes and wants a specific feature (e.g. set the default search engine to a specific site) then the organization can do that without the donor having to become a subscriber. i don't even expect that donations as described above would account to a significant amount of revenue for a big organization.

but what i'm saying is that such a software organization should always address the most wanted features too. in the end a software organization needs its users. it would be shooting itself into the foot if they ignore their voice.

i wish even megacorps who don't really need donations would have such feedback mechanism for users interested shaping the company. a rich megacorp could then send all such donations to charity to decrease people's moral friction with donating to rich companies. maybe i would feel less antagonistic towards them if they would provide me with this feedback mechanism.

published on 2023-05-28

comment #1 on 2023-05-29

What was the trigger for writing this post?

comment #1 response from iio.ie

a few months ago i installed the signal messenger app and i was looking for a web client for it. i have not found it nor any indications or plans whether it's coming or never coming. that made me feel uncertain about the app. then i've seen that in the smartphone app you can set up monthly donations and all you get in return is just a badge. that rubbed me in the wrong way. since then i was ruminating how this could be improved. this is the best i could come up with so far.

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