# poker: a reference post about the rules and the hands.

this is a reference post for myself so that i can easily look up / print poker rules and hand order.

# game variants

# hand cheatsheet

distributing a cheatsheet to everyone before the game makes thinking easier during the game. press print on this page to print many copies of this table below. you might want to limit the print range to the first page only and might need to play with print scaling to get enough cards onto one page.

high card:
 K♥  J♥  8♣  7♦  4♠
one pair:
 4♥  4♠  K♠ 10♦  5♠
two pair:
 J♥  J♣  4♣  4♠  9♥
three of a kind:
 2♦  2♠  2♣  K♠  6♥
 7♣  6♠  5♠  4♥  3♥
 K♣ 10♣  7♣  6♣  4♣
full house:
 3♣  3♠  3♦  6♣  6♥
four of a kind:
 9♣  9♠  9♦  9♥  J♥
straight flush:
 Q♥  J♥ 10♥  9♥  8♥
five of a kind:
 3♥  3♦  3♣  3♠  **

# personal notes

this is probably quite annoying to others but i love to reveal only the weakest cards that can still give me a win. e.g. even if i have a four of kind, i'd only reveal one pair if that secures me a win. this is extra fun with another player who does that thing. imagine this showdown:

i find such revealing method more fun than the boring "let's show all the cards at once". obviously this only works in for-fun settings with friends rather than for serious games.

published on 2021-12-26, last modified on 2022-04-10

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