loading (this game needs javascript).
using dataset  and save slot 1.
esc: back to menu, backspace: reset, tab: next, shift-tab: prev
enter the following text exactly, without errors:

best 3 runs for this text:

last 9 runs for this text:

welcome to peckmania, a yet another typingpecking game!
only for serious peckers: no mouse or smartphone support.
to prove that you are a pecking badass,
solve all the 81 challenges above with at least rank 3 each.
each challenge presents a text that you have to enter exactly without errors.
any typo and your run is invalid and you can start over.
you get rank  - already if you manage to type the text.
to earn more ranks, you have to enter it faster:
- rank  =: 20 wpm or more,
- rank  ≡: 40 wpm or more,
- rank -≡: 60 wpm or more,
- rank =≡: 80 wpm or more,
- rank ≡≡: 100 wpm or more -- this is the ultimate rank.
note: 1 word is exactly 5 characters -- calculation is simpler this way.
don't obsess about rank 6.
learn your limits and move on. :)

to select a challenge, just peck in its 2 digits and go!
e.g. peck in "11" to start with the first one!

your data is saved into your browser locally.
see below how to export/import your data in case you want to move it around.

advanced commands:
each advanced command begins with a letter and is followed with its parameter.
these commands only work in this main menu, not during challenges.
current command: 

c: change colorscheme.
   available schemes:
   - w: white scheme.
   - l: light scheme.
   - d: dark scheme.
   - b: black scheme.
   e.g. peck "cb" to have a black background. ideal during the night.
   current: w

s: change the save slot.
   the game supports multiple save slots.
   you can track each keyboard and layout separately.
   e.g. to switch to save slot 3, peck "s3".
   there are only 9 slots (1-9), surely nobody would need more.

n: name the current save slot.
   sometimes it's hard to remember which save was used for what.
   use this to add a reminder.
   the name is displayed at the top.
   "n" enters the naming mode.
   enter the name afterwards and press enter.
   press escape to cancel the rename.
   e.g. enter "ncolemak[enter]" to signify you are using colemak only.

d: change the data file.
   if you feel adventurous and speak other languages, try the other challenges:
   - e: english. this is the default.
   - h: hungarian.
   - g: german.
   - p: programming. this is super hard and aggravating. avoid!
   - 1: story 1: first chapter of manna
   e.g. peck "dg" to have german text.

f: adjust feedback during runs.
   - 1: only show when you finished.
   - 2: show a caret to mark which letter you have to press next.
   - 3: show all the stats as you peck. this is the default.
   e.g. "f1" will configure the expert mode.
   who needs a screen anyways.
   might as well turn it off. :)

a: adjust audio.
   - 1: no sounds.
   - 2: sound only on success or failure.
   - 3: beep on each peck.
   e.g. use "a3" to software emulate a mechanical keyboard!

if you just want to type a custom text, simply paste it via "ctrl-v".
ensure that the text has no newlines otherwise peckmania won't detect it.

all data is stored locally in your browser.
press "ctrl-c" to transfer your full savedata to the clipboard.
press "ctrl-v" to merge savedata from the clipboard.

to erase all your data from your computer,
open the browser's console (f12), enter "localStorage.clear()"
and reload the page.

you can also import custom level definition.
create a text file with the following definition:

# peckmania leveldef
# 1st row's title
... (7 more text lines)
# 2nd row's title

the first line must be statically "# peckmania leveldef".
you can have at most 81 text lines this way.
copy such a text the clipboard and then paste it here via ctrl-v.
peckmania will then replace the above table with this data.
peckmania saves you runs for all text locally,
so you will retain your savedata for all levels in your browser.