# about: short intro about this site.

i'm a random guy born late 1980s currently working at a random tech megacorp as a software developer in zürich. this blog started with me wanting to rant about some annoyances with computers. but after some writing and reflection that well ran quickly dry so i just started writing about some very personal struggles and random ideas.

i found that writing things down helps me put things into order. so i write about all stuff my brain keeps spinlooping about. most of those things don't make much sense even after writing them down but at least i spinloop about them less. this site is for myself, don't expect any quality posts here.

the name "iio" doesn't mean anything. it happens to be easy to type and it was available so i went with that. if it needs a meaning then consider its vocalization being me screaming into the void.

and in case you want to contact me privately, send an email to qxp2fs8j at anonaddy.me.

published on 2017-12-01, last modified on 2023-12-12

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